La Vieille Ferme
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Contact-Hôtel La Vieille Ferme

The castle of the Dukes of Wurtemberg, in Montbéliard

Book your room at our Contact-Hotel La Vieille Ferme, and take the opportunity to visit the castle of the Dukes of Wurtemberg, located only 6 km from our hotel!

Anyone visiting Montbéliard should not miss the discovery of this building, which shaped the history of this city.

The particularity of this castle...

Nestled atop its rock, the castle of the Dukes of Wurtemberg, more commonly known as the castle of Montbéliard, is impressive, not only for its dizzying height, but also for its imposing architecture.


How about a little history?

  • At the beginning of the 10th century, this residence was only a primitive castle, overlooking the city of Montbéliard.
  • For four centuries (from 1397 to 1793), the castle was home to the counts of Montbéliard and the dukes of Wurtemberg.
    Over time, changes were made to the building, giving it a more residential appearance, with the construction of two towers: Henriette and Frédéric.
  • At the end of the 16th century, the Bailli's hotel (also called the "Logis des Gentilshommes") was built there, as well as an arsenal and a hydraulic machine.
  • At the end of the French Revolution and the attachment of the Pays de Montbéliard to France, the military authority took possession of the castle.
  • Since 1933, this castle belongs to the city of Montbéliard, and houses a museum with important natural history and archaeological collections.

What to see in the museum?

  • Natural history collections.
  • Archaeological collections, mainly from the Iron Age and the Bronze Age.
  • Contemporary art.
  • Temporary exhibitions on various themes are also offered to visitors.
Explore this castle with the help of a historical tour, located in the two towers. The history of the castle will be told to you.

Also dive into the past by browsing through the castle's rooms, with Montbéliardais furniture.

For more information (website only in French):
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